So Ibrahim, do you have anything new to offer?
Our understanding of "new version" is all wrong.
In general, "new version" means a better something. A better iPhone, a better Windows, Web 3.0.
Even Covid has versions, B.1.617. 2
Delta CEO calling the delta variant by its formal name
— Hannah Sampson (@hannahbsampson) August 25, 2021
This concept of better has been extended to things like "Me 2.0"
But the defining feature of a version upgrade, with semantic versioning, is
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
Version++ is less about being better, and more about being incompatible.
- With old habits, and addictions
- With old friends, old family
- With old ideas, aspirations, philosophies
To be able to write on a public blog, I needed to give up on writing for an audience and also give up on having a goal and instead just keep writing
deprecated_in="1.0", removed_in="2.0",
details="write_for_myself instead")
def write_for_audience():
return 1
deprecated_in="1.0", removed_in="2.0",
details="keep_writing instead")
def have_a_goal():
return 1
Still more to remove, still more to deprecate