Getting Unstuck: Learnings from Restarting the Computer
My car was stuck, it wouldn't start due to some error message. AAA ended up unplugging the battery, waiting for 10 minutes, and plugging it back in. The error message disappeared, and my car started!
The story is so common - but why is it that restarting the computer works so well?
Computers get stuck in 3 main ways
- Invalid state - Programs remember things that are no longer true. My car was not in Neutral, but the computer would not see that. Turning it off, forcing it to forget, gives the computer a chance to remember something new.
- Humans do this too. We remember that something is in fashion, and it no longer is. We remember things about people, and yet people change. We learn what tools work the best, and don't make space to allow for learning new ones.
- Stuck connections - When connecting to a database, or other service, programs get stuck waiting for a message that never comes back. Maybe the query has timed out, but no message was sent. Maybe the other computer is off. In any case, the program refuses to let go, until the restart.
- Humans get stuck waiting on others. Waiting for replies. Waiting on approval/validation. Waiting on permissions. We have expectations/promises, and refuse to stop waiting long after the timeout.
- Infinite loops - Some programs get stuck, running the same thing over and over again. It's waiting for something to change, but by running the same thing over and over again, nothing changes. Forcing it to stop, gives the computer a chance to avoid the getting stuck in the same way.
- Humans get stuck in obsession/rumination. Worrying doesn't change the situation, and with no changes, worrying continues. Some loops are scarier, taking on debt to pay debt, lying to cover a lie, procrastinating to avoid anxiety.
Just like a computer, a reboot/restart, could be very helpful for getting unstuck. Taking a nap/walk, gives new perspective. Meditation/mindfulness interrupts the default flow. Vacations and breaks provides distance and gets us to unplug.
It's now safe to turn off your "computer" :)