Unit Tests are the First Consumers of Any Public API

But Ibrahim, who will read what you write?

  • This is not the code
  • This is not the interface
  • This is not the pseudocode

This is the steel thread to confirm that things are working. That we have storage, compute and network.

Behind every cute/innocent looking Hello World, is a confirmation. A confirmation that the God-King/Goddess-Queen has arrived, and soon the behavior of the system will bend to the will of the programmer.

Experience has taught me less of how things work, and more on how things break. Assume less, verify more.

So please, run the following

curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}\n' https://ibrahim.ink/unit-tests-are-the-first-consumers-of-any-public-api/

And confirm with me, that everything is 200-OK