Append Only
From wikipedia : Append-only is a property of computer data storage such that new data can be appended to the storage, but where existing data is immutable. Implementing an append-only data structure has many benefits, such as ensuring data consistency, improving performance,[6] and permitting rollbacks.[7][8]
For writing, append-only makes writing quicker. The author thinks only to add information, and not edit it. Momentum is built, and forgiveness for mistakes is tolerated. The weird looking [6],[7][8] are left there, because its more important to write than perfect.
Linked lists are incredibly efficient to add to. Create something to add, and have the last element point to that. Compare that to an ArrayList, where you need to allocate some capacity beforehand, and double your capacity as you, pausing on transition points.
Needing to know upfront, how much will be written, around what point will the conclusion be, do I have enough to go with this thread, can be taxing. The little taxes add up, momentum is lost.
For now, the next few words are all I need to focus on
append = Node("End of Post") = append